Last things last (Topic 5: Lessons learnt)


Let's be honest: I am not going to keep up blogging. It's way outside my comfort zone, and while I am sure that this is a good way of venting ideas and sharing with the public for many of my peers out there, it is simply not for me beyond the requirements of the ONL course. So what you are reading is my last blog entry, and I am not at all unhappy about that. However, I have to admit that it was an interesting (and sometimes even fun, and often rewarding) experience to browse other participants' blogs and to engage in exchange with others working on the same tasks somewhere out there. 

So this is one thing that I feel I have understood better about myself in the past months on ONL: Moving out of my comfort zone may be uncomfortable, but it sometimes leads to interesting insights, and it is worth it more often than not. Our summarizing "meme" for topic 5 really visualizes nicely that sometimes you need to challenge yourself to get somewhere new. It may seem scary, but it's the only way to grow, right?


What else have I learnt? Working as a team gets more inspiring the more you get involved in what's happening. The more you put in, the more you get out of it. Sure, PBL05 was made up of creative, wise and inspiring individuals in the first place, but by the end of the journey we had grown into an amazing team that went beyond each individual's limitations. I think that having felt this first hand may help me help my students experience the same. I also got to know lots of really interesting tools and pedagogical ideas, and I believe that these will have an influence on my future teaching. However, I could always have found most of the "book knowledge" in books. The community experience itself is what made this course special. Thanks to our facilitators Hans and Bianca for taking us on this adventure, and thanks to my fellow adventurers on PBL05. It was an honor to work and learn with you! :)


  1. I also never thought I would get much out of blogging Andrea, however it has been a great experience having another source to read someone else's perspectives, and I do think it helps create a sense of community. Sometimes in the Zoom F2F space we don't hear each other so well. I have enjoyed this journey with you and our other members. Thank you for all your great ideas and contributions.

  2. "Moving out of my comfort zone may be uncomfortable, but it sometimes leads to interesting insights, and it is worth it more often than not." ... you are perfectly right. We need to have a growth mindset that helps us grow and - at certain times - is uncomfortable. But that is good!

  3. Sharing your sentiments exactly...blogging takes effort and being a 'resident' takes time and energy...but thanks for always keeping us going...appreciate the journey we took together as a group. ;)


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